Formation of Polar Vortexes
It was noted in the author's article Bioplasma Bodies: Formation of the Central Pranic and Kundalini Currents that the helical electric currents bring forth an axial magnetic field which is aligned with the spine. This axial magnetic field is really the "straight" portion of a dipole magnetic field. For convenience, we will denominate the location of the "North" pole of this magnetic field to above the human caput and the "South" pole below the groin. The magnetic flux lines of this magnetic field will flame up outwards at the North pole, circle the bioplasma organic structure and come in the South pole. Within the bioplasma body, the field lines from the South pole will travel upwards towards the North pole. The portion of the magnetic field that is within the bioplasma organic structure is fairly consecutive and uniform. The polar whirls are plasma whirls that word form around the North and South poles. The North polar whirl of a individual who is standing would be facing the sky and the South polar whirl would be facing the ground.
Absorption of Superintendent particles
Charged atoms in an ionized environment have got a inclination to follow magnetic field lines. If the way of the atom is at an angle, i.e. neither parallel nor perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, the atom will spiral around the magnetic field lines using a helical path. If the particle's way is parallel (i.e. Zero degrees) to the magnetic field line it will travel along the magnetic field line like twine of beads on a string. If the particle's way is perpendicular (i.e. Ninety degrees) to the field line it will circumambulate around the field lines. Most particles, however, would come up in at an angle between 0 and 90 grades and hence would follow a helical path. When the atoms dip they collide with other atoms in the ovoid (the "atmosphere" of the bioplasma body), generating a visible light phenomenon similar to the dawns in the ambiance at Earth's magnetic poles.
As the magnetic field denseness increases, the radius of the spiral or the "gyro radius" cut downs and the speed lessenings (due to the loss in kinetic energy), in conformity with the expression Roentgen = mv/Bq that shows that R, the gyro radius, is relative to the speed 'v' and inversely relative to the strength of the B-field. This procedure volition bring forth a helical way that will have got a cone form when viewed from the side, with the vertex of the cone meeting the surface of the bioplasma body. Dynamically, this tin be described as a vortex. Since there are many atoms streaming down into the bioplasma body, taking slightly different trajectories, littler whirls can also look within a big vortex. Experimental metaphysicist Barbara Brennan have observed that within each chakra there are also little rotating whirls whirling at very high rates. Impact of Superintendent atoms on Surface of Bioplasma Body
When the atom attains the bioplasma body, which is much denser than the remainder of the ovoid, it impacts the surface of the organic structure at supersonic speeds, producing 3-dimensional daze moving ridges which bring forth Ernst Mach cones. The impact bring forths round moving ridge presences that radiate out from the point of impact (forming a "wave train") and also consecutive lines from the centre to the perimeter (like radiuses on a wheel). This is similar to what haps when a meteoroid knocks into the surface of the Moon causing impact volcanic craters which demo similar features. It will exhibit round moving ridge presences (which bring forth concentric round mountain ranges) and bright runs of stuffs (often called "rays") which radiate out from the centre. These impact characteristics are also seen when a slug hits the windshield of a car. After impact, the atom is absorbed into the bioplasma body.
These impact characteristics are consistent with characteristics observed by experimental metaphysicist Prince Charles Leadbeater. Based on a scenario where the way of the atom is perpendicular to the surface of the bioplasma organic structure (i.e. analogue to the magnetic field line), Leadbeater explicates that the round moving ridge presences are caused by secondary forces, as follows: "This Godhead energy, which pours into each centre from without, put up at right angles to itself secondary military units in undulatory round motion…" This places the concentric round moving ridges that radiate out on impact which are at right angles to the flight of the incoming particle. He also places the orthogonal statistical distribution of radiation energy from the Centre as follows: "The primary military unit itself, having entered the vortex, radiates from it again at right angles, but in consecutive lines, as though the centre of the whirl was [sic] the hub of a wheel, and the radiations of the primary military unit its spokes."
Bioplasma organic structures are composed of complex plasma, also called dust-covered plasma, which dwells of not only negative and positive particles, but also macroscopical dust particles. Scientific research workers establish that Ernst Mach cones were produced when a atom was fired at dust-covered plasma at supersonic speeds. According to A Piel, longitudinal moving ridges word form round wave-fronts with an orthogonal statistical distribution of radiation energy in plasma crystals. Both these features, round wave-fronts and radiuses radiating out orthogonally from the centre, together with the daze moving ridge that bring forths the Ernst Mach cone, are consistent with Leadbeater's observations.
Formation of Lateral Pass Vortexes
Development of Other Magnetic W. C. Fields in the Perpendicular Direction
The current flowings of pranic atoms within the cardinal perpendicular subdivision of the bioplasma organic structure are not entirely in one direction. Both kundalini and pranic atoms can come in via the North and South poles. Hence, pranic atoms can flux from the North pole to the South and also in the contrary direction. However, the current in the contrary way will be weaker owed to the preponderance of pranic atoms in the North which bring forth repulsive forces. This agency that the magnetic field generated by this contrary current volition also be weaker than the magnetic field generated by the stronger current, flowing from the North pole to the South.
According to Biot-Savart law, two electric currents flowing in opposite ways will drive each other. Imagine two consecutive currents, flowing in opposite directions, emanating from the land and extending upwards to a tallness of 1 meter, perpendicular to the ground. If you were looking down at it, you would see that the two cringles of magnetic field lines actually constitute a dipole magnetic field perpendicular to the way of the currents. Similarly, littler magnetic fields, perpendicular to the cardinal axial current and magnetic field, will develop. The axis of these magnetic Fields will unify with the cardinal axial magnetic field, forming nodes along the axis of the cardinal axial magnetic field.
If the North pole of this littler dipole magnetic field is on the presence side of the bioplasma body, the South pole will be on the dorsum side. A double-vortex system will eventually germinate when particles, taking helical paths, plunge-in astatine the North and South poles on the two wide sides of the bioplasma body. They will be transported in a flux tubing after soaking up to the node along the cardinal perpendicular axial current.
The magnetic field lines will flame up out of the North pole on the presence wide side of the body, curved shape outwards and come in the South pole on the dorsum side of the body. Hence, there will be field lines and field aligned electric currents circling the organic structure in a airplane perpendicular to the cardinal perpendicular axial magnetic field and current. These lines would be correspondent to the lines of latitude on a World of the Earth.
Basket-like Network of Currents
We cognize that field lines emerge out of the North pole, curved shape downwards, and come in the South pole in a simple barroom magnet. Inside the magnet, however, the field lines move upwards from the South pole to fall in the North pole. Hence, if there are field-aligned currents, the electric currents inside the magnet (in this case, inside the bioplasma body) will be opposite in way to the field lines outside the magnet (in this case, outside the bioplasma organic structure but still inside the ovoid). The lines from the cardinal perpendicular magnetic field would flame up out from the North pole, curved shape downwards and link to the South pole. These lines would be correspondent to the lines of meridian on a World of the Earth.
With the criss-crossing of the correspondent horizontal lines of latitude and perpendicular lines of longitude, the bioplasma organic structure will possess a basket-like network of currents. This constellation of electric electric currents have been confirmed by experimental metaphysicist Barbara Brennan who notes, "The chief perpendicular powerfulness current brings on other currents at right angles to it to constitute aureate streamers that widen directly from the body. These in bend bring on other electric currents that circle around the field, so that the full auric field and all the degrees below it are surrounded and held within a basket-like network."
Formation of Vortexes affiliated to Central Vertical Currents
Super atoms with a nett magnetic mutual opposition dip into the ovoid, taking mainly coiling paths. On impact with the surface of the bioplasma body, they bring forth impact features, similar to what have been described for the polar chakras, above.
On entry into the body, after impact, the atoms transmigrate to the node along the cardinal perpendicular pranic currents, generating over time, a flux tubing between the point of impact and the node. This is consistent with experimental metaphysicists Leadbeater's observations, who noted, "Though the oral cavity of the flower-like bell of the chakra is on the surface of the etheric body, the root of the trumpet-like blossom always springtime from a centre in the spinal anesthesia cord." The "flower-like bell" is the whirl (with its vertex situated on the surface of the bioplasma organic structure at the point of impact and its wide end facing the environment) and the "stem" is the flux tubing connecting the point of impact on the surface of the bioplasma organic structure to the node along the cardinal perpendicular pranic currents. This constellation is confirmed by Brennan who notes, 'Their tips point into the chief perpendicular powerfulness current and their unfastened ends widen to the border of each layer of the field they are located in.'
Chakra System
Based on the above analysis the "chakra system" have four components:
a. The whirl generated by the atoms taking helical paths. This bring forths the cone structure;
b. The impact basin which is produced by the atom when it impacts the surface of the (relatively) heavy bioplasma body. c. The flux tubing (or "stem") that links the impact basin to the node. d. The node along the cardinal perpendicular currents.
Actual Observations
Many of the diagrams in the metaphysical literature are idealised and highly symmetrical to help understanding. Actual observations may not uncover such as "perfect" configurations.
Superposition of Whirl on Ernst Mach Cone
Two characteristics have got been discussed above. Firstly, the formation of helical flights by ace atoms which bring forths a vortex, prior to reaching the surface of the bioplasma body, and secondly, the impact characteristics on the surface of the organic structure that are generated when the ace atom impacts the surface of the bioplasma body. Experimental metaphysicists who detect chakras from the presence side of the organic structure will detect a complicated form with the helical form superimposed on the impact features. It will be like seeing a form at the underside of a pool through a whirl on the surface of the water. Hence, the mental images from this position may be crumbled and radially distorted.
Warped Magnetic Field Lines
Magnetic field lines trapped within the bioplasma may be dragged or twined owed to assorted military units within the bioplasma. The usual diagrams in the metaphysical literature of constructions within the elusive bioplasma organic structure are idealised and show much more than symmetricalness than would be actually observed in an norm person. The existent field lines and field-aligned electric currents (known generally as Meridians or nadis in the metaphysical literature and Birkeland currents in plasma metaphysics) may frequently be warped and filamentary.
Skewed Impact Basins
The symmetricalness of an impact volcanic crater depends on the angle of impact of the missile that defined it. Craters produced by an impact that is normal to the surface be given to be radially symmetric. However, most impact volcanic volcanic craters are produced by missiles with flights that are oblique to the surface and bring forth craters which are not radially symmetric. Since ace atoms have got the peak chance of impacting the surface of the bioplasma organic structure between 0 and 90 degrees, the impact basins on the surface of the bioplasma organic structure would generally be somewhat skewed and only in rare occasions be radially symmetric.
© Copyright John Jay Aelfred 2007